Fundusze Europejskie Program Regionalny Rzeczpospolita Polska Dolny Śląsk Unia Europejska Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Gabinet Stomatologiczny we Wrocławiu - MedicaDent 20-18500 PLN
Toruńska 2d Wrocław,
Dolnośląskie 51-164 +48 71 721 10 14
+48 734 497 901

Anna Dudziak, D.D.S.

Anna Dudziak, D.D.S.
  • Graduate of the Medical University of Wroclaw in 2003.
  • 19 years of experience in orthodontic treatment for children and adults - (more than 2000 set up braces) using the most modern techniques.
  • IAO-member International Association for Orthodontics since 2008.
  • Participant in scientific courses - in Poland and abroad.
  • With years of experience in surgery, orthodontics, prosthetics and endodontic treatment: she can use her knowledge to deal with the most complex cases with the use of optimal and holistic treatment. Therefore, you will be treated with the best solution possible.