Fundusze Europejskie Program Regionalny Rzeczpospolita Polska Dolny Śląsk Unia Europejska Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Gabinet Stomatologiczny we Wrocławiu - MedicaDent 20-18500 PLN
Toruńska 2d Wrocław,
Dolnośląskie 51-164 +48 71 721 10 14
+48 734 497 901

Radiography (tomograph)

Radiography (tomograph)

For proper diagnosis and monitoring of treatment, it is necessary to take radiographs. This will show early detection of tooth decay, lack of tooth buds, supernumerary teeth or detect changes in bone. It is necessary for endodontic, orthodontic and implant treatments.

Safety testing provides the most modern equipment that reduces the radiation dose to 90%, compared with images on the film.

In our clinic we have the latest generation equipment for dental x-ray, it allows us to gather all of the necessary images needed to evaluate your situation.

This includes:

ORTHOPOS 3D READY CEPH, the most powerful panoramic model that ensures the highest image quality at the lowest dose of radiation. A large number of advanced programs pantomographic facilitates correct diagnosis.

VISTA MINI SCAN: offers the highest image quality, perfectly reproduces the detail. The scanner image plates VistaScan Mini makes diagnostic images even faster.

We take pictures:

  • Pantomographic
  • cephalometric
  • single (adjacent).

X-rays performed also for patients using the services of other dental surgeries.

We perform the highest resolution tomographic examination of jaws and mandibles used in both implantology, orthodontics, endodontics and surgery
